Dr. Richard Sufo

External Fellow
Dr. Richard Sufo
Faculty of Humanities (FHW)
Department of Political Science (PW)
Department of Political Science (PW)
- Since December 2022: Visiting researcher (Humboldt foundation funding) at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
- September 2019 - December 2022: Lecturer and researcher at the Le Mans University
- September 2018 - August 2019: Part time lecturer at the Le Mans University
- March 2015 - December 2019: Ph.D at the Le Mans University; Dissertation title: "Deforestation monitoring in the Congo Basin: what synergies between exogenous and endogenous knowledge?"
- June 2016 - July 2018: Senior Consultant at Rainbow Environment Counsult (REC), for Forest Investment plan (FIP), SESA, reference emission level, drivers of deforestation and REDD+ national strategy, Cameroon
- January 2016 - December 2016: Senior consultant for COMIFAC, PPECF, AFF, CRS, Pöyry Oy, CIFOR; cartography Congo, Cameroon and Central African Republic
- March 2013 - November 2019: Research officer, Consultant and Ph.D candidate at the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) in Cameroon and France
- May 2009 - March 2013: Technical Assistant at Vicwood Thanry (SEBC, SAB, CIBC, CFC); Responsible of forest management, remote sensing and GIS in Congo, CAR and Cameroon
- September 2005 - December 2008: Master in Geography University of Dschang, Cameroon
- Environment
- Carbon Stock evalution
- Management of natural resources and sustainable development
- Land use and land cover mapping
- Forest governance
- Climate change
- Vulnerability analysis
- Forest carbon assessment
- Adaptation and resilience to global changes
Publications in scientific journals with peer review
- Kipute, D. D., Mate, J. P., Sufo Kankeu, R., Ngouhouo-Poufoun, J., Kahindo, J. M., Mampeta, S., ... & Tsayem Demaze, M. (2023). Effectiveness of the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve in Reducing Deforestation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Human Ecology, 1-13
- Eba’a Atyi, R., Hiol Hiol, F., Lescuyer, G., Mayaux, P., Defourny, P., Bayol, N.SaraccoF., Pokem D., Sufo Kankeu R. & Nasi, R. (2022). The forest of the Congo Basin : State of the Forest2021,. CIFOR
- S. Saatchi, M. Longo, L. Xu, Y. Yang, H.Abe, M. André, J. Aukema, Nuno Carvalhais, Hinsby CadilloQuiroz , Gillian Ann Cerbu, Janet M. Chernela, Kris Covey, Lina M. S. Clavijo, Isai Cubillos, S. J. Davies, V. de Sy, F. De Vleeschouwer, A. Duque, A. M. S. Durieux, K. de Avila Fernandes, L. E. Fernandez, V. Gammino, D. P. Garrity, D. Gibbs, L. Gibbon, G. Yansom Gowae, M. Hansen, N. Lee Harris, S. P. Healey, R. Hilton, C. May Johnson, R. Sufo Kankeu, N. T. Laporte-Goetz, H. Lee, T Lovejoy, M. Lowman, R. Lumbuenamo, Y. Singh Mali, J.M. M. Albert Martinez, C. Nobre, A. Pellegrini, J. Radachowsky, F. Roman, D. Russell, F. J. Seymour, R. D. Sheil, T. B. Smith, R. Spencer, F. Stolle, H. Lestari Tata, D. del Castillo Torres, R. Muamba Tshimanga, R., Vargas Ramos, M. Venter, A. J. West, A. Widayati, S. N. Wilson, Y.Yang, A. Elmore, 2021, Emerging Responses of Humid Tropical Forests to Land Use and Climate Threats, One Earth, , 4(7), 988- 1003
- Kipute, D.D*., Mampeta, S.W., Kahindo J.M.M., Leloe, U.D.M., Sufo Kankeu, R., Sonwa J.D., Joiris V.D. and Mate, J.D.M. 2021: Complexity of zoning management in biosphere reserves: The case of the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve in DRC, International Forestry Review, Vol.23(1), 55-67
- Sufo Kankeu, R., Tsayem Demaze, M., Krott M., Sonwa D.J., Ongolo S. 2020, Governing knowledge transfer for deforestation monitoring: Insights from REDD+ projects in the Congo Basin region, Forest policy and Economics https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2019.102081
- Sufo Kankeu R., Tsayem Demaze, M. Sonwa D., 2019, using local capacity to assess carbon stocks in two community forest in South-East Cameroon, Journal of Sustainable forestry, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10549811.2019.1618716
- Tsayem Demaze M., Sufo Kankeu R., Sonwa D.J. 2020, Analysing the narrative and promises of “avoided deforestation” implementation in Central Africa, International Forestry Review, 22(2), 257- 268.
- Loh chia E., Sufo Kankeu R., 2019, Climate change mitigation and adaptation and agriculture sectoral strategies in Cameroon: interplay and perspectives. Cogent Environmental science, https://doi.org/10.1080/23311843.2019.1625740
- Ajambo, S., Rietveld, A., Nkengla, L.W., Niyongere, C., Dhedja, D.B., Olaosebikan, D.O., Nitunga, E., Toengaho, J., Kumar, P. Lava, Hanna, R., Sufo Kankeu, R. and Omondi, A. 2018,. Recovering banana production in bunchy top-affected areas in Sub-Saharan Africa: developing genderresponsive approaches. Acta Hortic. 1196, 219-228 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1196.27
- Eba’a Atyi R.; j.Ngouhouo Poufoun; j-p. Mvondo Awono; a. Ngoungoure Manjeli; Sufo Kankeu R.; 2016, Economic and social importance of fuelwood in Cameroon; International Forestry Review, http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/cfa/ifr/pre-prints/contentAtyi;jsessionid=42wj5j9hk2dnu.alice
- Nitcheu Tchiadje S., Sonwa J.D., Nkongmeneck B. A., Cerbonney L., Sufo Kankeu R., 2016, Preliminary estimation of carbon stock in a logging concession with a forest management lan in East Cameroon. http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/xBW44iPSmCCsktvC6rC3/full
- Sufo Kankeu R., Sonwa J. D., Eba’a Atyi R., M. Moankang Nkal, 2016, Quantifying post logging biomass lost using satellite images and ground measurements in south East Cameroon, Journal of forestry research. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11676-016-0277- 3?wt_mc=Internal.Event.1.SEM.ArticleAuthorOnlineFirst
- Chia, E. L. & Sufo Kankeu. R., 2015, situational analysis of Cameroon’s Technical Operation Units (TOUs) in the context of the landscape approach: critical issues and perspectives. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-14. http://rd.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10668-015-9688-0
- Sufo Kankeu R., Denis Jean Sonwa, 2016, Utilisation des UAV pour le suivi de la déforestation et de la dégradation dans le bassin du Congo : une analyse comparative avec les images satellite de haute résolution, RIGAGER (Revue Internationale de Géomatique Aménagement et Gestion des Ressources)
- Ndoki D., Mofor G., Sufo Kankeu R., 2016, La délocalisation des gares routières comme moyen de désengorgement des centres urbains et d’extension des périphéries : le cas de la ville de Bafoussam (Ouest-Cameroun), African Humanities Review Volume 2 Number 1,19P, https://www.academia.edu/36714652/AHR-2016.pdf
- Yemmafouo A., Sufo Kankeu R., 2011, gouvernance du patrimoine foncier traditionnel à l’épreuve de l’étalement urbain : cas du village Bamougoum face à la ville de Bafoussam (Ouest-Cameroun), International Journal of Advanced Study an Research in Africa, Vol.2,in Africascience N°2(2) IJASRA, PP 117-130, ISSN: 1920-860X (online), ISSN: 1920-8693 (print)
- Sufo Kankeu, R. Yemmafouo A., 2010, stratégies citadines face au déficit d'approvisionnement en eau potable par les pouvoirs publics dans la ville de Bafoussam (Ouest-Cameroun). Des initiatives de groupes locaux organisés à l’appui des bailleurs de fonds internationaux, Université Toulouse LeMirail, Revue GEODOC, N°57, pp.135-150.
In process of publication
- Sufo Kankeu R., 2023, Exclusion of local actors from the REDD+ knowledge transfer process: case study from the Congo Basin; submitted in Small Scale Forestry
- Eliezer MAJAMBU, Moise Tsayem Demaze, Richard Sufo-Kankeu, Denis Jean Sonwa and Symphorien Ongolo, 2023, The effects of policy discourse on the governance of deforestation and forest degradation control in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Environmental Policy and Governance Journal
Others publications (Working Document, policy brief, conference papers)
- Richard Eba’a Atyi, François Hiol Hiol, Guillaume Lescuyer, Philippe Mayaux, Pierre Defourny, Nicolas Bayol, Filippo Sarraco, Dany Pokem, Richard Sufo Kankeu and Robert Nasi Congo Basin Forests: the State of the forest 2021, book abstract, 2022; CIFOR-ICRAF, 16p
- Eba';a Atyi, R.; Liboum, M.; Guizol, P.; Awono, A.; Jungers, Q.; Pokem D.S.D.; Sonwa, D.J.; Palla, F.; Sufo-Kankeu, R.; Djossi, D. Flux financiers internationaux en faveur de la protection de la nature et de la gestion durable des forêts en Afrique centrale, OFAC, 8 p. http://www.cifor.org/publications/pdf_files/brief/7347-OFACBrief.pdf
- Kipute D.D., Sonwa D.J., Sufo Kankeu R., Kahindo J.M., Mampeta S.W., Lelo U.D.M., Joiris V.D. et Mate J.P.M. 2019. Complexité de la gouvernance dans un paysage de conservation de la biodiversité vers une perspective de réduction de la déforestation: Cas de la réserve de biosphère de Yangambi en RDC. Les documents de travail 252. Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR. https://doi.org/10.17528/cifor/007408
- Ongsabien Efombo, A. L., Sonwa, D.J., Tiani, A. M., bobo, Kadiri. S., Sufo Kankeu R., & Chia, E. Loh. (2019). Mapping/assessing carbon stocks in the perspective of Payment for Environmental Services (PES) for rural communities in East Cameroon. ASC-TUFS Working Papers 2018 Development, Migration, and Resources in Africa, 193-200.
- Fomete T., Acworth J., Afana A., Sufo Kankeu R, Bonnemaijer J., Ajebe H., Uchendu E. Chigbu, Rossi M., Epie P., Sembres T., Douard P., 2018, reframing local land use planning methods and tools in south-west Cameroon as a foundation for secure tenure, sustainable and equitable rural development, and REDD+, World Bank Land & Poverty Conference 2018, https://www.conftool.com/landandpoverty2018/index.php?page=browseSessions&print=head&do print=yes&form_session=840&presentations=show
- Acworth J., Maschler T.; Fomete T; Ajebe H.; Douard P. Apted W., Vaccari S., Pirker J., Wilczok C., Kringel R. Epie P., Dieval S.; Sufo Kankeu R. Nsegbe P., 2018, The "Where?" in Participatory Local Land Use Planning: A Web Mapping Approach in South-West Cameroon, World Bank Land & Poverty Conference 2018, https://www.conftool.com/landandpoverty2018/index.php?page=browseSessions&print=head&do print=yes&form_session=840&presentations=show
- Sufo Kankeu R., Tiani A. M., 2014, Guide de cartographie participative géoréférencée pour la gestion communautaire du terroir, working paper, CIFOR, Bogor. http://www.cifor.org/library/5242/guide-de-cartographie-participative-georeferencee-pour-lagestion-communautaire-du-terroir/
- Tchatchou B., Loh Chia E., Sufo Kankeu R., Perez Teran A. S., Tiani A. M., Sonwa D. J, Kengoum F.,Locatelli B. Kenfack C. E. Munoh A., 2015, Changement climatique dans le bassin du Congo: Etat des lieux des informations et connaissances échangées entre les acteurs, Working paper, CIFOR, Bogor. http://www.cifor.org/library/5622/changement-climatique-dans-le-bassin-du-congoinformations-et-connaissances-echangees-entre-les-acteurs/
- Sindemo, G.S., Sufo-Kankeu, R. 2014, Forêt communautaire et agroforesterie pour le stockage du carbone et l'adaptation au changement climatique dans la TNS (CAPV_2C), brief, CIFOR Bogor, Indonesia, http://www.cifor.org/library/5063/foret-communautaire-et-agroforesterie-pour-lestockage-du-carbone-et-ladaptation-au-changement-climatique-dans-la-tns-capv_2c/
Books, Book chapters
- Tiani A.M., Mekou Youssoufa Bele, Sufo kankeu R., Loh Chia E. and Saray Perez T.A., 2016, Gender and forest decentralization in Cameroon: What challenges for women’s adaptive capacity to climate change? In Gender and Forests: Climate Change, Tenure, Value Chains and Emerging Issues, Eds Carol J Pierce Colfer, Bimbika Sijapati Basnett, Marlene Elias.
- Eba’a Atyi R., Loh Chia E., Perez Saray T.A. and Sufo Kankeu R., De Wasseige C., Tadoum M., 2015, Vulnerability and adaptation of forests and communities in Central Africa, in the forest in Congo Basinforest and climate change , Eds De Wasseige C. Tadoum M., Eba’a Atyi R. Doumenge C., Belgium, 128p
- Eba’a Atyi R., Loh Chia E., Kengoum F., and Sufo Kankeu R., 2015, Forest and Climate in central Africa: Synergy between Mitigation and Adaptation; in the forest in Congo Basin forest and climate change, Eds De Wasseige C. Tadoum M., Eba’a Atyi R. Doumenge C., Belgium, 128p http://www.cifor.org/library/5890/forest-and-climate-change-in-central-africa-synergy-betweenmitigation-and-adaptation/?pub=5890
Research in progress
- Eba’a Atyi R., Loh Chia E., Kengoum F., and Sufo Kankeu R., 2015, Forest and Climate in central Africa: Synergy between Mitigation and Adaptation; in the forest in Congo Basin forest and climate change, Eds De Wasseige C. Tadoum M., Eba’a Atyi R. Doumenge C., Belgium, 128p http://www.cifor.org/library/5890/forest-and-climate-change-in-central-africa-synergy-betweenmitigation-and-adaptation/?pub=5890
- Richard Sufo Kankeu, 2022, The role of “Honest broker” of regional environmental agency: case study of COMIFAC in central Africa, on going
- Richard Sufo Kankeu 2022, State of the art of REDD+ implementation: analysis of international stakeholders point of views, on going
- Bioenergy and waste-to-energy conversion in Cameroon: actors and perspective, 2016
- Support to the realization of forest base mapping, land cover and land use types by analysis 2016
- Climate impact and climate information service for agriculture in central Africa: a scientific review, 2016
- Regional Pilot Research Project on Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasts in the Perspective of Building Climate Information Services for Agriculture in Central Africa, 2015
- Stakeholders cartography in Cameroon du 3F (Forests-Food-Fiber) on biofuel; 2017
- Report on the drivers of deforestation and degradation in Cameroon: literature review, 2017
Conferences organization and group discussion
- July 2022: organization of two side events at the PFBC 2022 in Libreville, Gabon
- March 2013: 20th anniversary of CIFOR, planning of scientific sessions and high level panels, Yaoundé, Cameroon
- September 2018: AFORPOLIS 2018 "African Forest Policies and Politics" (AFORPOLIS conference 2018", discussion with partners
- May 2019: Workshop of the Doctoral school at Rennes (France)
- May 2018: Workshop of the Doctoral school at Vannes (France)
- February 2017: GFOI-FAO: co-organization at the training of National Expert (Ivory Coast) 2019 and 2020, organization of “Cafégéo” with invited researchers and experts
- November 2018: co-organization Afriscience week
Reviewer in reference journal
- Reviewer in Forest policy and Economics, Journal of Sustainable forestry, Cogent Environmental Science, Forests (MDPI), Sustainability, Journal of Forestry Research and Land (MDPI)
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2pm to 6pm