Welcome week! - winter semester 2023/2024
For all new students of the Master's Programme and Bachelor's Programme
The European Studies team welcomes all new students to Magdeburg! The events we have prepared for you will help you to get relevant information for the start of your studies, to get to know our team and your fellow students and much more!
This winter semester the Jean Monnet Chair introduces cutting-edge research on the European Union: the Next Generation EU Research Series
The lecture series assembles cutting-edge research on the European Union. Early career researchers from across Europe are presenting their research during the winter semester. The series is organised by the Jean Monnet Chair on Interactive Multi-level Democracy in Europe (IMUDE) at the Otto-von-Guericke University. The Next Generation EU Research Lecture Series addresses students from the OVGU and beyond, scholars and interested public.
Meet Johannes Gerken, a new member of our EUS team!
During the summer semester of 2023, our European Studies team expanded, as Johannes Gerken joined us in Magdeburg! Before the summer break began, I met with Johannes to ask him a couple of questions about his arrival in Magdeburg and the path he took before he landed in the Otto Stadt.
I share with you our conversation, so that you too can get to know Johannes Gerken and wonder about his next steps in Magdeburg, as lecturer and researcher!
EUS Students in the Utopie Europa 2023!
On 12 July, European Studies students took part in the closing event of the debate cycle "Utopia Europe 2023" held at the French Embassy, in the presence of the Ambassador, François Delattre.
With their project, 'News Mafia' the students representing Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg stood in the podium, following the two teams which shared the first place: Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen und Universität Manheim!
To check the project from our students and find out more about the event, go here.
Report: Online Round Table "European Democracy under Threat: How to Make EU Democracy Resilient against Internal and External Challenges"
Auch dieses Jahr und zum dritten Mal organisierte Julia Çetinkaya (Jean-Monnet-Lehrstuhl IMUDE, OvGU), mit Julian Plottka (Universitäten Bonn und Passau) und in Kooperation mit der Union Europäischer Föderalisten, der Spinelli-Gruppe im Europäischen Parlament sowie den Universitäten Flensburg, Frankfurt (Oder), Innsbruck, Paderborn und Wien den „Online Round Table on European Democracy 2023" am 20. Juni 2023, 18:30 – 20 Uhr.
Studierende aus ganz Europa tauschten sich mit den geladenen Repräsentant:innen und Expert:innen in der EU zum Thema „Die Resilienz europäischer Demokratie" aus. Der „Online Round Table on European Democracy 2023" befasste sich u.a. mit dem „anderen Demokratiedefizit der EU".